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Easy to Download and Install

Minimum supported version Android Marshmallow (6.0).

You can Download here. Simply follow the installation instructions for your OS below.

The installation will go through the same high-level security checks.

Sadly Google Play Store does not currently stock apps for real money games.

Pre Oreo

(OS 8.0)

1. Open the settings on your device

2. Tap on Security

3. Enable Unknown Souces

4. Download the APK

5. Click on the downloaded file notification to install the app

If you cannot find the downloaded file, please download the APK file again

What’s my phone OS?

Oreo and above

(OS 8.0) and above

1. Download the APK

2. Your phone might show you a message that your browser is not allowed to install unknown apps. Press on Settings

3. Enable Allow from this source

4. Go back and proceed with the installation process

What’s my phone OS?

What’s my phone OS?

What’s my phone OS?

To find out your Android Phone Operating System version:

1. Open your device’s Settings.

2. Go to About Phone or About Device.

3. On some devices you might have to access Software info